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PHD (Vidya Vachaspati) Courses

This course is introduced first time to solve the social problems with best alternative solutions with a mix of Vedic Astrology, Psychology and Yoga & Meditation.
Astrology is a Science that depends solely on scientific calculations and formulae, which explain the effect of stars on human beings, be it positive or negative. Those who have faith in this Science know that it is not above the Almighty and is solely dependent on perfect calculations. As a human being takes birth on this planet on a particular date, time and place, he gets the effects of planetary position in the sky at that time. This affects one’s attitude, body makeup, lifestyle, outlook, career, wealth, etc.
This course with newer Astrology and Psychology of postmodern era is a search for the positive evolutionary intent and purpose of every event, even the most painful ones. To access this power in astrology, the professionals will approach the chart in a contemplative manner, allowing celestial archetypes and symbols to sharpen the clarity of intuition. So the, Vedic Astrology and Jungian Psychology share something in terms of understanding the self through harvesting meaning from symbols, and categorizing different types of awareness to solve our life problems.
Yoga and Meditation evidence links the earliest practice of tradition at least from past 5000 years. Scholars believe that yoga grew out of Stone Age shamanism, because of the cultural similarities between modern Hinduism and Mehrgarh, a neolithic settlement (in what is now Afghanistan). In fact, much of Hindu ideas, rituals, and symbols of today appear to have their roots in this shamanistic culture of Mehrgahr. Early yoga and archaic shamanism had much in common as both sought to transcend the human condition.
I Vedic Astrology :
This module will introduce students to the very basics of Astrology. Starting from Mangalacharan (Prayer), it will cover scientific applications, Indian overview, Five pillars of Astrology, Malefic Constellations, etc. On completion of module 1students will familiarize with the subject and feel comfortable with the Astrological terminologies.
This module will make students know about the nine planets, their significance, behaviors, effects, etc. This module shall also throw light on various houses in a horoscope and what to see from them. After finishing Module 2 students will have their platform of astrology on a sound plinth.
This module will deal with effects of planets in different position of the horoscope. It shall give an in-depth analysis like effect on one’s looks, physical characteristics, profession, health, likes- dislike’s, wealth, job or business, children, spouse, etc. On completion of Module 3 students will be in a position to analyze and see various aspects in a horoscope.
This module will deal with the effects of zodiac sign in different places in the horoscope. It shall also cover special combinations based on these signs. Module 4 offers student with further practical and advance concepts, which will further motivate and help them to learn systematic and advance concepts.
This module will show the students the relativity effect of time by way of understanding of ‘dashas’. Here student shall study the effect of time from 20 years to 2 months based on various Mahadasha, ‘Antar Dasha’, Pratyantar Dasha’ and Sukhshma Pratyantar Dasha. On completion of Module5, students will add a new dimension into their study, that is Time..
This Module Shall Give the students the last mile thrust so that they can practically read a horoscope. This module shall initiate students on reading horoscope with many practical guidelines. On completion of Module 6, students will gain knowledge and confidence in Astrology so that they can go ahead in their journey of reading horoscope
This module shall cover all Yogas (combinations) of planets, zodic signs and places in the horoscope. These yogas will give an advance understanding of the subject with real in depth analysis and to the point prediction. On completion of Module 7, students will be able to see various subtle and bottom line combinations, which bring a new, look in the whole scenario. This module shall prove to be very interesting and interrogating for the students.
This module covers comparison and predictions on the basis of position of planets in the current scenario with what it was at the time of birth. In this module student shall master latest and day-to-day movements of planets. And predictions based on them. Module 8 shall give insight to students about the current time - fame.
This module will cover all the constellations with their Charn (parts) and the effect on people born under these constellations. This shall also throw light on predictions based on these with various sets of solutions. Here surging deep into this aspect shall benefit students. Which South- Indian Astrologers are fascinated to.
This module covers the various doshas or defects in the horoscope. The major doshas, covered are Pitra Dosha , Nadi Dosha, etc. It shall throw light on why they occurred, what negative effects they have and the practical and applicable solutions for these doshas. Probably the most powerful, most true and most result oriented art, which students can study and confirm within their environment.
This module shall Focus specifically on the various solutions that can be suggested bassed on the defects or day-to-day problem. This shall be a vast subject that shall cover crystals, precious gems, various pujas, japas, simple solution, daana, mantra, yantra, etc. A Detailed and informative topic by which students will be benefited to work out and suggest solutions that are impatiently sought after good analysis of horoscopes.
Project- This module shall be a project and in depth analysis on astrology for students. It shall cover practical aspects like when or what to apply at the time of reading horoscopes so that they can feel the depth themselves what a renowned astrologer has. After completion of this module student shall have sufficient knowledge and confidence to establish themselves in the society as an Astrologers, if they wish.
Nine Planets, special effects, places, effects, maleffects nitrifying planets, Deeptansh (illumination), various friendship relation-simmediate, natural, six powers, planets avastha and cheshthaye, 27 roles, causative planets-soul, father, mother, brother, son, knowledge, Gana, Yoni, Nadi, Varna, Yunja, element, name letter, Paya, sun zodiac sign.
Panchange (Ephemeris), Finding out Ascendant (short cut method), Graha Spashtha, Making horoscope, degrees, time adjustments, daily Panchange calculation, Malefic Effects – frist, second, third, Zodic sign, ascendant, constellation; pacification.
Dashvarga Chart (Horoscope) Part 1: Vargottam planet and ascendant, Horo Chart- Making and effects; Dreshkan Chart-Making and effects; Dashmansh Chart-Making and effects, Saptansh Chart-Making and effects;
Dashvarga Chart (Horoscope) Part 2: Dwadashansh Chart-Making and effects; Trishansh Chart-Making and effects; Kalansh Chart-Making and effects; Shasthyansh Chart-Making and effects; Shodashansh Chart-Making and effects;
Ascendant Aspects; body makeup, color, high, personality, malefic breaking rules, ascendant related yoga, power of lord of Ascendant; second house-Wealthy and poor yoga, Bankruptcy, Wealth from in laws, family, bank balance, Wealth-own country/foreign, ancestral property, direction of receiving Wealth. Third house-brother/sister, mutual relation with them, number, occupation, velour, decision making, big family, sister and brother-in-law, happiness from siblings, cousin siblings.
Fourth House: mother, relation with mother, mother’s age, vehicle happiness, attainment, number, time, happiness in life, fame . House own house, many houses, house in abroad, problem in house, Vastudosha in house Agriculture land-benefit from land, cattle, well, bore well. Fifth house children, yoga related to children, abortion, late children, number of children, happiness from children, curse yoga, time of having children, knowledge, education. Sixth house : disease, enemies, victory/loss and fear from enemies, hidden enemies, Debt.
Seventh House: marriage, age polygamy, divorce, marital happiness, disease to spouse, time of marriage, widow, characteristics color-features of spouse, obstacles in marriage, raj yoga of spouse partnership, benefits, relation, Eight house : age, cause of death poison, death like problems, hidden treasure, Para science learning yoga. Ninth house : luck, fate, lucky/unlucky people, and luck rising after marriage, direction. Pilgrimage, religious bent. Religious deeds, fame, prestige.
Tenth House: occupation-business/job, success, administrative jobs, raj yoga, high profile/status jobs, money transaction. Relation and happiness with father. Eleventh house : Profit, profit and incomes from many sources, wealth yoga, poor yoga, source of income, white/black, auspicious deeds, prosperity, possession. Twelfth house : loss, donation, tax and foreign travel, fracture.
Age of human beings/othes species, child disease yoga, ill-health related yoga short life, medium life, and long life, increment, safety from death. Death causative planet, place of death, lord of death, direction of death, cause of death-own country, foreign, sudden, reason of death-poison, weather machine, fire, due to government, thief, enemy, weapon, mountain, accident, wound, imprisonment, hanged, suicide, battle, anima, natural. Place of death-pilgrim, auspicious place, abroad, house, hospital, salvation. Previous and future birth.
Question Horoscope: Making question horoscope, combined and independent results, sun vithi , chatra ascendant, Arka ascendant, goal achievement, question related to theft. Travel, disease question, lost and found people question, silent question and victory/defeat. Lal Kitab-Debts on humans of father, mother, brother, own, wife relative, sister, cruelty, by birth, planets panchayat.
Matching horoscope of boy and girl before marriage, auspicious yoga, planets friendship, qualities (Guna) matching. Nadi, Ganga, Yoni, Mangal dosha, Dwidashak, Shadashtak, Navam-Pancham Yoga. Remedial measures-Nine planets pacification, improvement in business/career, financial development family development, health improvement, Rituals for Pacification of dosha.
Transit of planets or Gochara, Prasna Kundali or Horary Horoscope, Remedial Measures of Nine Planets, Curse of Father and Mother through Vedic Astrology.
II Psychology :
Module 1
This module will introduce students to the basics of psychology and the nature and role of psychology in understanding mind and behaviour. Students would be able to describe the growth of the discipline, Evolution of psychology, Understanding the different fields of psychology and its relationship with other disciplines and professions, acknowledge the value of Psychology in daily life to help you understand yourself and others in a better way.
Module 2
This module will make students know about the psychological attributes on which people differ from each other. Students will be able to learn the basic of physiological psychology, Understanding the process of emotions, Evaluate the relationship of emotions and psychology, describing the nature of learning and students would be able to familiarise thyself with some applications of learning principles and constitutes intelligent behaviour. Understanding various psychological processes, discuss the roles attention, motivation, and sensory adaptation play in perception, understanding the outline stages of perception process, development of Psychological thought and the process of thought generation. Learner will be able to clarify the major issues in human development.
Module 3
This module will define social psychology and make the learner understand how it is different from other areas of psychology. There will be a thorough Understanding of the “levels of analysis” and why this concept is important to science. Assimilation of definition of the “need to belong”, “social perception” and describes the perceptual process along with Understanding the differences between preventions and treatments. Different interventions that bring about short-term versus long-term changes, Layers of community interventions, the nature of social change and the important theoretical approaches to social change will be explained. The factors that play an important role in bringing about social change and analysing the social change will be discussed. Defining “Social Problem” and application of the concept of the sociological imagination will be a part of the module. Students will be able to compare the major sociological perspectives on social problems. Learners will be able to explain how the major types of sociological research are used to understand the social problems and understand the aspects of social and cultural context in Human Development.
Module 4
This module throws light on understanding the environmental factors that affect our behaviour, the cause and effects of environment on our behaviour, know the ways in which an environment could affect an individual person, normal development in our life, Study methods in the study of development, Ethical issues in developmental psychology, Periods of human development, Three major issues in development: continuity and discontinuity, one common course of development or many unique courses of development, and nature versus nurture. This module includes Understanding the life span development and its stages, Learning on cultural psychology and its need for study Now/Today. There will be learning about the personality in detail, the aspects, theories and types of personality.
Module 5
This Module focuses on family culture, Importance of family culture, Family Relations, Understand different family relations and their roles in life, Physical, cognitive, and emotional development that occurs during adolescence. Inclusions are Reviewing the milestones of physical development in adolescence, Difference between adolescence and early youth, Health problems faced in early youth, Physical, cognitive, and emotional development that occurs in adulthood, Differentiation between fluid and crystallized intelligence, The concept of “emerging adulthood”, Understanding what is cultural context. Relationship between Culture and Gender.
Module 6
This module teaches the aspects of Organizational Behaviour, Fundamental concepts of Organizational Behavior, Role of individual factors, the value of Systematic study of organizational behaviour, Identify the contributions made by major disciplines of behavioural science. Major challenges and opportunities for managers to use organizational behavior concepts, Interpreting the work life balance with help of definitions and benefits of work life balance, The importance of Organisational Relations, Learning on time management ways and its benefits are the topics covered in this module.
Module 7
This module will teach what is research and its importance to psychologists, Understanding different types of research methods and their utilities, Examine the kinds of problems and the issues involved in selecting a statistical procedure. General principles of psychological research and the elementary designs, Awareness on kinds of approach that are appropriate for different research questions, Pitfalls associated with the use of particular research strategies and experimental designs, Knowledge of more sophisticated research strategies and designs. Statistical methods for practical Scientific method, Evidence Based Practice, Research designs principles, Dependent and Independent variables Research methods. Randomized experiments, Experimental designs, Quasi-experimental designs, Non-experimental design and Observational Studies are key variables of this module.
The module also features What is the research hypothesis? What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Define an interview and describe the various types of interviews, Explain qualitative and quantitative research.
Module 8
This module makes a leaner to understand What is parenting? Different styles of parenting and their repercussions on children, Define school psychology, Describing the primary roles and employment contexts of school psychologists. Social Justice and multiculturalism, Studying school psychology through a Social Justice Lens, Understanding what is sex education, Know the importance of sex education, Relationship between Gender and Development. Impact of Gender in Agriculture and Rural Development, Know how emotions arise: negative and positive, Understanding on how to handle or mange emotional imbalance.
Module 9
This module shall cover the actual meaning of well-being in psycho-social context, The importance of traditions in enhancing welfare and well-being in human life, Know the relationship between politics and psychology, Understanding the Social Policy Dilemmas and Psychology. Implications for Language Policy, Understand the Role of Bilingualism and Biculturalism as Assets in Positive Psychology.
Also, the module contains various topics like: Learn what is worship and The Psychology of Worship, Identify how religion impacts our brain, Know the psychological beliefs behind historical monuments, How to become a Spiritual or Worship leaders for the society. Understand the psychology of followers of Spiritual Gurus or Leaders, Advantage of Ayurveda treatment to Psychology issues and Define the basic principles of Ayurveda Psychotherapy.
Module 10
This module will focus specifically on Panchbhoota – Five Elements and its importance in our life, Relation between Senses and Elements, Study on details of senses and differentiate the chemical senses, Understanding the Vestibular Sense, Proprioception, Kinesthesia, Natural disasters and psychological impact of disasters, Effects of disasters on mental health.
Module 11
This module shall focus specifically on what is the relationship between astrology and psychology? Understand the concept of Astrological psychology, Differentiate between Western astrology and Vedic astrology. Understand the concept of horoscope, Know the history and existence of Vedic Astrology, Understand the assumptions of astrology in the context of psychology.
The importance of yoga and meditation in life and for psychological growth and well-being, Understand the concept of transformation, Different modes of preventions and conventions in psychology, Prevention of Mental Disorders form essential parts of the module.
Module 12
This module primes specifically on the significance of Technology in relation to Psychology in today’s Tech world, Understanding the significance of Technology-Delivered Psychological Interventions, Learning on Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Abnormality and different abnormal behaviours, The 4 Ds of abnormality, Brief knowledge of clinical states and its terms, Anxiety disorders and its various types.
Case Study or Questionnaire
This module will enrich knowledge on Initial Mantras and Prayers, Introduction, What is Yoga? Why Multi-Style? The Five Points of Yoga by Swami Vishnudevananda, Course Expectations, Philosophy, Ancient Texts of Yoga, Six Schools of Yoga Philosophy, Brahman, Ishwara, and the Hindu Trinity, The Twenty-five Principles, Prakriti, Purusha, Mahat-Buddhi , Triguna, Manas, Panchajnanendriya & Karmendriya,Panchabhuta – 5 Elements, Panchathanmatra.
This module contains the rich knowledge of the Five States of Mind, The Seven Bhoomikas, Karma, The Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga, Six Branches of Yoga, Meditation & Mantras, Keys to Starting Meditation Practice, Yantras, Mantras and Nada Yoga, Bija Mantras, Physical Preparation for Meditation, Meditation Asanas, Yoga Nidra, Energetic Anatomy & Pranayama, The Three Gunas, Three Bodies, The Five Sheaths, The Nadis, The Chakras, Prana & Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas,
This module makes the learner to understand the Anatomy & Physiology, The Musculo-Skeletal System, The Nervous System, Anatomy of the Breath, Ayurveda, A Brief History, Ayurveda’s Definition of Health, Ayurvedic Principles, The Five Elements, The Twenty Qualities, The Doshas and Your Ayuvedic Body Type , The Difference between Constitutions and Imbalances, Understanding Constitutions, Understanding Imbalances.
This module will focus on 8 Health Benefits of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes , Shatkarma Kriyas, Hatha Yoga, Classic Definitions of Yoga in Buddhism, Notes for the Practitioner, Setting up Your Classroom , Teaching an Asana Class, Elements of 60-75 min Basic Class , Elements of 90-120 min Intermediate Class, Warming Up, Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutations, Leg Exercies – Standing, Leg Exercises – Sitting, Body Strenghtening – Dolphin , Asanas in Sequence, Ashtanga Vinyasa Style, Opening & Closing Prayer,
This module would encompasses the History of Ashtanga Yoga, Awakening the Fire Within, Vinyasa – Movement Breathing System, Elements of Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa, Ujjayi Breath, Bandhas, Drishti, Asanas, Sun Salutations, The Primary Series,
This module contains the importance of Standing Asanas, Seated Asanas, The Vinyasa, Back Bending & Finishing Asanas, Kundalini Yoga, Introduction, Methods of Awakening, The Art of Teaching, Yoga Alliance Code of Conduct, Yoga Alliance Therapy Policy, Chants.
Eligibility :
Aspirants after 12th standard and above or any degree holder is eligible to pursue this course.
Course Fees :
1. Rupees 20000/- for Indian students (or) 2. Indian students can pay Rupees 6,000/- in 4 installments. Total Rupees 24000/-.
3. USD 401$ for Foreign students.