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Handi Sorgans of organ and instruments of instrument. Aristotle, N Philosopher.
No machine or gadget in the world has been made which can be as efficient and effective as a hand. One’s hand is the mirror of one’s life path. Unlike horoscopes, hand of a person, its lines keep on changing. Thus hand shows a person’s life path with his present karma also. Thus effect of particular Karmas can be seen on the hand and by proper analysis and remedial action it can be changed to great extent.
Palmistry is wonderful study of hand, which has Chiromancy, and Physiognomy as its sub-parts Palmistry is an ancient science of study of hand through lines. Palmistry is a wonderful study of hand, which is based on analysis of lines, mounts, features, etc of hand. Palmistry is a branch of Samudrik Shastra Where face reading and forehead reading is also included. Palmistry is a Fascinating science that tells a person about his life path. It also tells one about carrier, profession, wealth, health, riches, marriage, etc.Learn the fantastic art study of hands. Influence, predict, guide and solve problems of people by using this powerful art that does not require nay instrument. Due to This feature Palmistry can be applied anywhere and everywhere anytime. Self-knowledge is the biggest that you can do in yourself.Students of Post Graduate Diploma programs shall get an additional advantage by getting deep knowledge of face reading also.
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